A judge Monday affirmed a $107 million judgment against imprisoned former rap mogul Marion “Suge” Knight and Death Row Records, which was awarded back in 2005.
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Over the objection of Lydia Harris, the woman who obtained the original judgment and later agreed with Knight that it should be voided, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge David Sotelo said he would not reconsider his December decision to reinstate the judgment.
“This is a very old case with big names and big numbers,” the judge said.
Superior Court Judge David Sotelo
In his December decision, the judge said Harris’ sole argument for the set-aside was that the judgment belonged to the Knight bankruptcy estate.
Harris maintained she and her husband, Michael, made investments in Death Row Records at its infancy in 1989 and that she was the company’s first vice president. She sued after the former rap mogul allegedly pushed her out after the label started making money.
Last Sept. 20, at Harris’ request, Sotelo voided the judgment after Harris raised issues with how her lawyers from the firm of Wasserman, Comden & Casselman won the case against Knight and Death Row Records.
Harris’ current attorney, Dermot Givens, held a news conference Oct. 14 with Harris in which he alleged the motion to void the judgment was necessary because her former attorneys, the bankruptcy trustee and others worked together to use her to wrongfully obtain the judgment.
Givens alleged that Harris has not received any money from her lawyers who collected part of the default judgment.