Ye was dropped by his agent, and his completed documentary will not see the light of day after the controversy surrounding around Tweets.
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In a statement issued by MRC studio executives, the studio denounced Ye and said that they cannot support any content that would amplify his platform.
“This morning, after discussion with our filmmakers and distribution partners, we made the decision not to proceed with any distribution for our recently completed documentary about Kanye West. We cannot support any content that amplifies his platform,” the studio said in a statement.
“Kanye is a producer and sampler of music. Last week he sampled and remixed a classic tune that has charted for over 3,000 years — the lie that Jews are evil and conspire to control the world for their own gain.”
“The silence from leaders and corporations when it comes to Ye or antisemitism in general is dismaying but not surprising. What is new and sad, is the fear Jews have about speaking out in their own defense,” added the studio.
Here are some reactions that social media has had to Ye being dropped by his agent.