Not many people have thought about the pain and anguish Offset’s family was experiencing with the recent breakup between Set and Cardi B.
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According to Offset’s stepfather, Cardi B. is the cause of the devastation his family is experiencing. In a Facebook group for fraternity and sorority Alpha Phi Alpha and Alpha Kappa Alpha, Offset’s stepfather, Michael Woodward, who goes by the name Tony Pla on social media, wrote a lengthy post about how Cardi has tried to sabotage the release of Offset’s album and cause chaos and confusion for their family.
“I am just getting off a flight from L.A. to Atlanta.
I want to thank the Brothers that cared enough to identify my family situation being played out over the news and made a point to curtail it. I also want to thank the ladies for your support as well and the one that told me not to go in the group when I got off the plane. Unfortunately, I had already read the post, and every sub.
Right now, my family is going through a very tumultuous time. What you see in the media is only the tip of the iceberg. Social media is a powerful tool, but certainly no place for family situations; however, our youth, specifically my son’s wife doesn’t understand that. She seems to want to take everything to social media without regard to the devastation it has on others, past present and future or specifically what it does to the other children. I say this not to say that my son is innocent, as he has done his share of dirt, but the whole scenarios is a never-ending drama session. It’s tic for tack, mudslinging, situation fueled by jealousy, envy, insecurities, psychological issues, drugs, etc., etc, etc…
While one may believe that celebrity life is good, open to scrutiny and is fair game for jokes, insults etc., it is different when that stuff is in your face every day. It is depressing [and] tiring. People do and say hurtful things about my family members daily, specifically, my child. While he ain’t perfect, he is mine and as a parent I have a duty to protect him. Right now, I cannot do that. Like most young adults, he doesn’t always do what he’s advised to do, but we are talking about a 25-year-old with an unlimited supply of money, women chasing him, people at his disposal etc. Couple that with a hot headed female that thrives off of social media attention and is on the same financial level as/above him and it’s a recipe for disaster. They both have professional people in their corner that they do not use.
Psychological issues, depression and drugs make the situation worse. You all do not know how that effects the rest of the family from late night phone calls, emergency travel, news media etc. I did not sign up for this. Everything I do and say is scrutinized, everyone wants a favor, to get close to him or Cardi. I have lost friends family members, etc. because I have had to say no for his protection. His legal troubles over flow into my house. You all don’t know that my door was kicked in this summer by the feds and every inch of my home was ransacked for a case they are trying to build against him (I can’t discuss it here). My daughter came home with her 1-year-old baby to a blocked off street and guns in her face. I was out of town and couldn’t protect her. Everyday, I still smile and come in her laughing with you all. The laughs help mask the tears. Last week when Cardi posted the divorce video, I could not get any work done at work (I own my own business) as the phone calls, texts, DM’s etc where non stop. She released the baby picture out of spit. It was supposed to come out in his album. She basically screwed my whole family over that vowed not to release pictures to social media. My whole is in an uproar right now and I can’t fix it. I am usually the fixer and Brothers that know me can attest to that. I don’t know what to do or where to turn. I tell you all this because I want you to get a glimpse of my family life. I would not wish this on anyone. I would give anything to simply go back to being a school teacher and coach. Thanks for listening.”