R. Kelly’s ex-employees have reportedly turned over more that 20 sex tapes to federal authorities.
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Gerald Griggs, Joycelyn Savage’s family attorney, tells TMZ that the federal investigation into Kelly’s dealings with underage girls was handed dozens of videos, some of which reportedly show Kelly engaging in explicit and illegal acts with girls not old enough to give consent, by folks who once worked for R. Kelly.
From TMZ:
Both Griggs and our federal law enforcement sources tell us the tapes show multiple victims … and prosecutors confirmed with multiple witnesses the girls were underage. Griggs says several of Kelly’s enablers — past and present — flipped and turned over the tapes to investigators. He says those videos were exactly what the feds needed to secure indictments for sex crimes, including child pornography.
According to TMZ, ex-employees claim that the singer regularly recorded his sex acts with both consenting adults and under-aged girls.
Kelly was arrested Thursday after a “federal grand jury handed up a 13-count indictment, including 4 counts of producing child pornography and 2 counts of receiving child pornography.”
Kelly is also facing an additional “5-count federal indictment out of the Eastern District of NY which includes racketeering and 4 violations of the Mann Act,” TMZ reports.