Meek Mill’s new trial was denied again by Judge Genece Brinkley, despite evidence that shows police corruption in his case. Meek thinks the injustice in his situation is obvious, but those in power refuse to speak up.
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The Inquirer revealed Judge Genece Brinkley’s own lawyer, A. Charles Peruto Jr., opposed his client’s actions with Meek, which appear to co-sign the Meek’s claims. On July 4th Meek responded to the report on Instagram with a lengthy rant about the Pennsylvania justice system.
“It’s really crazy that everybody in the Philadelphia legal world really know what’s going on and nobody is saying anything! A new trial would mean case dismissed because the D.A’s office don’t want to fight my case because I was arrested by a dirty cop and was illegally arrested and wrongfully convicted in 2007, the same case I served over 3 years in jail for and 10 years later they trying to give me a 4 year sentence for popping a wheelie!! The craziest part is some people have already been released because of this cop testimony. Out of 1500 people who got back in court because of this cop 1499 cases where taken from they’re original judge and placed in front of ‘president judge wood skipper, My case is the only case still in front of my original judge and being denied which is now holding thousands of others back from freedom because of this dirty cop who has been proven to be corrupt!!! I can’t speak directly on it but everyone from the legal world knows boundaries have been crossed to attempt to take my freedom! Philadelphia/Pennsylvania they are embarrassing the judicial system and the world is watching!” Even [Judge Genece Brinkley’s] lawyer admitted this on tape saying I deserve a new trial and saying he didn’t say it… and he is the same lawyer that came to see me during my incarceration and had a full conversation about my case and said he could get me out because he knows my judge, I didn’t pay him money and weeks later he’s my judge attorney which is beyond conflict of interest!! what judge has an criminal attorney? It’s so much more to the story … almost every JUDGE,SHERIFF AND CLERK IN THE CJC BUILDING KNOW WHATS GOING ON BUT CANT SPEAK BECAUSE THEY CANT GO AGAINST THAT CODE! ANY EXPERTS THAT KNOW THE FACTS TO MY SITUATION KNOWS THIS IS A DISGRACE TO JUSTICE!”